rhode island public transit authority
as a result of steep hills, knee deep snow and sharp turns - there is a disconnect in the public transport system creating an accessibility gap within the heart of providence, rhode island.
ux/ui design, signage & environmental design

01 stakeholders
02 research & interviews
conducting participant exercises and interviews with different stakeholders around providence, to produce a complete picture of the different problems and/or opportunities within and around the transit system.
“even as someone with a car, if the public transport system worked i would be happy to combine a car and transit to get around.”
claire, on college hill
research participants imagine the future of public buses.
03 gap analysis

my interaction with the RIPTA CEO led to the conclusion that apart from the snow and sharp turns, economic feasibility is a big reason for no bus routes around college hill.
RIPTA updates their bus routes every three years, based on ridership patterns, regional economic growth & research based new developments. they set their bus frequency based on the density of routes and economic feasibility (riders per bus).
04 the solution
given the broad nature of the opportunities, the answer came in the form of a four part solution which would be rolled out over five years. it includes an app and smart shelters to enable clear communication between RIPTA and its users, followed by smaller mobility solutions that bridges the gap in the transit system by connecting wheelchair users and other residents on college hill to the wider public transit grid.
author’s note: at the time of the project RIPTA did not have a phone app
easy access to tickets, wallet top up, route information and more on the home screen.
ticket purchase confirmation screen (left); active trip screen (right).
RIPTA augmented reality
the inerface attempts at making it easier to get bus and bus shelter information on the go. whether you’re on the other side of the road or looking down at a bus stop from a high-rise window.
the AR experience also makes booking tickets possible in three taps.
smart shelters provide touch enabled information on waiting times, bus location and routes
stop alerts within buses
interactive and live bus information
the disconnect
the map (left) highlights the gap in service on college hill, which poses a problem for residents, students and those with special needs who seek public transport.
the dots can be connected using a small fleet of vehicles that service the length and breadth of college hill forming a grid that connects it to the main bus artery in the area — the east side tunnel.
fleet of smaller RIPTA vehicles
running the fleet through key areas to fully complete the transit grid
05 project timeline & fit
the solution can be rolled out in the course of five years, which falls into RIPTA’s downtown transit connector plan 2020.